Tehran Handicrafts Company is working on supplying and distributing various handicrafts in Iran for several years.

Tehran handicrafts company suply and distributes various handicrafts such as: carpets, pictorial carpets,enamel, kilim, ….  .The company has been able to take a good part of the Iranian handicrafts market. For some time, we have started selling Iranian handicrafts all over the world so that people around the world can enjoy the beauty of Iranian handicrafts.

The company is ready to provide any type of special handicraft that you want and send it to you. 

We will turn your memories into very beautiful, lasting, handmade pictorial carpet.

Please send us a picture of your father, mother, wife, child, friend, or a beautiful view, your wedding, or any popular and memorable pictures that you have.We will make it a handmade pictorial carpet and send it for you. Very beautiful, exquisite, lasting, this will be a memento forever.

Most of our capital in this company is the satisfaction of our customers. Therefore, we will provide our products with the highest possible quality. Because we believe that when the customer expresses satisfaction with our products among friends and relatives, it is the best and most effective form of advertising for our company.

Undoubtedly, your advice, dear customer, will help us to meet our goals. So, I’d like to hear any kind of advice and criticism from your loved ones.